of delicious hours to myself. I check e-mail until there are "no new messages". I read. Not my usual nightly read where I fall asleep in 3 or 4 pages but real reading where the story comes alive and goes places in one sitting. This morning's book of choice is Learning to Drive by Mary Hays. The story is about a newly single mom with two youngs sons and in todays saga is making her first attempt at staying in the family cottage sans hubby. Trying to turn on the water was a funny story. I remember many of my first attempts with kids looking on in horror! I don't see that look in their eyes so much anymore.
Saturday morning is also a phone conversation with my one and only sibling. My brother and I both look forward to a saturday morning cup of coffee and some relaxed time to catch up. We just grow closer over the years and I am so glad Ken is my brother.
Saturday morning is also writing! Not writing I HAVE to do like my professional blog (CEC reality 101 for new teachers) which is fun on a weekday but writing about anything I want to!
Saturday morning is staying in my p.j.s or whatever is serving as p.j.s these days way into the afternoon. It is also eating when I am hungry not when the clock says 12.