It all started in a resale shop. I saw a scarf made out of old t-shirts. I loved it, I had to buy it! I used it. I wrapped it around my sweet little grand daughter when we were walking on the beach.

I said to myself, "self, you could make one of these"! So I did. It was easy and fun. And then I thought of my students. They would love designing these scarves, some could cut squares and a few could even sew. They could sell them at the Holiday Fair and make them as gifts for friends and family members. Now....where to get shirts. An e-mail to school staff and viola...500 t-shirts!!!??? What a blast watching students design the scarves. My friend Melony to the rescue with some sewing and we have 30 scarves to sell. What fun and it all started with a little resale, recycled t-shirt scarf!