The young lady pictured inspired me! Let me catch you up to speed. I teach my church's middle school Sunday School class. I had every intention of turning down that honor this year when my own middle school age son came to me and said, "Mom, please teach my class!". I thought to much longer will he actually want me to be anywhere around him and his friends? I've got 6 months or less I'm guessing so I said yes. Flash forward to our Christmas Play in which my class were the actors. I did a poor job of handing out parts. I thought I made it clear that when we first read the play thru they were not reading the parts that they would necessarily end up with. Some feelings were hurt. Then we had practice the week before and had to switch up some parts again because some of the kids weren't there, more confusion. Anyway, the young lady above was given the part of the "little sister". It was a bit part with maybe 3-4 lines in one scene. She took her itty bitty part and rocked it! She came dressed complete with little sister pig tales and a doll. She spoke with so much expression and had the audience eating out of her hand!
I started thinking about that. I want to take whatever bit part I have in life and rock it! Do it to the best of my ability, give it a little flare, do with gusto and who knows...maybe even steal the show once in a while!
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