Here is a picture of "my kids"....my other kids.......not my biological children....my students!! It gets confusing when I am talking about "my kids" because people are not quite sure which ones I am talking about. In many ways they are like my own biological children, I am the right age to have given birth to them, I care about them, I think about them and what they are going thru and I help them get ready to be adults in the world. I am getting to know their individual tastes and quirks. I see an idea and one of my students will pop into mind that I know will just love it. For example: E is the artist, L loves everything to do with gems, C is my social butterfly, S loves trains, R loves movies, M loves all things disney...you get the idea.
I spend much time dreaming and scheming up ideas to help "my kids" learn to read better, add to their skills so they can navigate the world and be social. We talk, joke, read, walk to local businesses, create things, dream, wish and at the end of the day I hope they are just a little bit better prepared for the world. I hope the world is kind to them and has a place for them to thrive when they leave me.....my wish for "all of my kids"!
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