Monday, December 31, 2012

new Year.  new beginnings.  this is going to a year of changes.  i must do this year without my guy, without that special man that always had my back.  it was my choice and i do believe the right one however that doesn't make it any easier.  i will never meet someone as passionate and interesting as he is, of that I am sure.  he has touched almost every area of my life.  i have learned so much from him.  i don't want to forget the things I learned from my years with him.

he taught me the value of having routines.  things like cleaning up the kitchen after a meal.  making coffee the night before so all you have to do is flick the switch (it makes getting out of bed so much easier).    i always viewed routines as a chore but he showed me that they make your life more enjoyable.  I am taking comfort in routines right now as i grieve this loss.  i want to keep learning and appreciating routines!